
Last night my roommate put some special lotion on her neck and shoulders because she was sore. This lotion was supposed to warm the skin, and through this, relax the muscles.

After 10 minutes or so, my roommate started to complain that maybe the stuff was making her neck feel just a little too warm. I looked at her and noticed that her entire neck and shoulders were bright red.

“Did you get a sunburn?” I asked her, because that is what it looked like. Then we realized it was actually the lotion, giving the impression of second-degree burns.

Not just giving the impression either. By now her skin was hurting like hell. She went to the bathroom to try to wash the lotion off in an attempt to do some damage control.

I followed her and read the tube of the lotion she had used. It said it was not suitable for people with a certain allergy.

I then came up with the retarded idea to put the lotion on myself, in order to see if there was something wrong with the lotion, or whether my friend just had an allergic reaction.

It seemed like a great idea at the time, and I remained convinced until 5 minutes after I put the lotion on my arm. My skin started turning red, and not only that, but the redness appeared to be spreading way beyond the spot where I had put it on my arm.

It also really started to hurt. I immediately went to wash it off, but I continued to have a burning red arm for at least another hour.

That lotion is definitely evil, and my roommate is thinking of writing a complaint to the company that makes the stuff.

Why did I have to put it on me as well? Such a stupid thing to do.
