Do you love your inner lesbian? – New Stonewall campaign launched

Stonewall – the organisation that you know from such awesome campaigns as “Some people are gay –get over it”, is back with another poster campaign, but this time it’s aimed specifically at lesbians and bisexual women.

The posters with the slogan “Love your inner lesbian” are urging lesbians and bisexual women to take better care of their health. The campaign is funded by the UK’s Department of Health and is especially aimed at surgeries and health care centres.

The Love your inner lesbian campaign is the result of a study Stonewall conducted last year when they questioned 6,000 lesbians and bisexual women about their physical health and experiences with health care practitioners. Apparently, results were shocking.

They found a high percentage of queer women suffer from substance abuse, harm themselves or get excluded from routine testing for things like cervic cancer. In addition it was found that many queer women had difficulty coming out to their doctors, or when they did, they received little understanding or were treated negatively because of it.

One way of improving this situation is to increase lesbian visibility, which should make health practitioners more aware of the problems and needs of queer women and helps us to disclose to our doctors exactly what we want and need. Stonewall hopes these cute posters are the first step in that direction.

What do you think about this campaign? Do you think it will be effective? And just how open are you to your doctor about being queer?

This article was first published on eurOut.
